Saturday, September 10, 2011


Last week after tropical storm Lee brought us a blessed weather change and much needed rain, (LOTS AND LOTS OF RAIN!!!!) the weather was just too great to waste in the house doing the cleaning and washing.  However, it was perfect for some heavy outdoor crafting like a pine cone Della Robbia type banner for my front door.  Those pine cones are little buggers to work with.  My hands are still raw and look like I have been wrestling a small bear.  Because of the extreme humidity and warm temperatures in Mississippi even during the winter months, I opted for only pine cones and gourds with no fresh fruits and nuts - just too expensive and too much spoilage for me.  After Thanksgiving  the gourds (we grew them several years ago in the garden) will be replaced with something for the Christmas season, maybe I'll spring for a pretty fresh pineapple. 

With the weather still so beautiful today, I just had to finish up one of the muscadine vine wreaths I made some weeks ago when Johnny brought home the mini excavator and did a bit of underbrush removal out in the back woods.  I spotted all those vines he pulled up and just couldn't stand them going to waste - 4 nice wreaths out of all those vines - free!  Anyway, I had a couple of extra small gourds that I had just never done anything with.  After a quick washing, sanding, wiping with some paint wash and spraying with polyurethane - viola, another quick fall wreath to go by the carport door. 


Since we will be going back out west for a few weeks, my mind seems to be on getting preparing for Christmas before we leave, so I'll share these thoughts with you.  I have a big "gift box" labeled as such in my attic. When I find a really good buy or something that I think will make a good gift on the spur of the moment (forgot someone's birthday or just need a "happy") I just put it in the box and I know where it is when I need it and don't have to make a mad dash to the local all night store.

Also, write down possible gift ideas when those special people mention something they like or would like to have when you are talking with them between now and Christmas. I always try to keep the tiny notebook in my purse. You just never know when grandma will mention something and you just can't seem to remember when the time comes to get her a gift.

Remember 911 - Don't forget to stop tomorrow and thank God for this great country we live in and all the blessings and freedoms we enjoy as Americans.  Remember our public servants and military personnel that keep us safe everyday.  I am so proud of the jobs that my son-in-law Joe does as he serves in the Army in Germany and my oldest grandson Nick as he is serving as a new police officer in Texas.  

Place your faith and trust in the Lord, not any man.

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