Sunday, March 12, 2023


OK, it definitely is time.  After the pallet project I just had to have some burlap in my house.  I resisted as long as I possibly could.  After almost embarrassing myself in front of my husband by rescuing an old thrown out piece of burlap at a yard and garden show, he had to save me from myself by bringing a small roll of landscape burlap home to me. 

"For Me?" I beamed.  He smirked and strutted out of the room.  What a guy.  I know that must be one of the love languages in one of those Gary Chapman marriage counseling books or something.    He is not big on those types of books and lovey dovey, mushy stuff like that.  Anyway, yippee.  I am a happy crafter!

Now I had to peruse my Pinterest boards to choose just the right project for my new found treasure.  Nothing seemed to speak to me, then - there in the corner of my attic sat an old ugly basket just begging to be loved again.  She needed a nice new scratchy dress for spring and maybe I should adorn her with one of those twisty flower decorations everyone is making.  So.....

Maybe Easter eggs in a few days..... 

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