Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Blogger Frustration!

Well, you know you need help when your 5 year old grandson notices your blog needs to look better.  I surely am glad Baker is keeping me straight.  I just can't figure out how to make it better, but I have wasted about 2 hours and still have not found the answer.  I did manage to "gadget" a bit.  Stilll not sure what all that is, but the pictures showed up.  Yea, me!!  I feel like I'm in a foreign country and everyone understands the language except me.  It's easy for children; hard for Nonnies.

Watch the US map and see where we are going next month - October already!!!!  I'll have to find some web support somewhere.  Tents, parks, mountains and all that stuff may make it difficult. 

The other blog addition is Marmalade.  As you can see, she is just relaxing on the porch while I buzz around getting everything ready for the trip.  She stowed away yesterday in Sidney's pillowcase to sneak away to Nonnie and Bop's house.  She said she has never been on a big trip before and this must be a BIG ONE by the way Nonnie is acting.   

Sidney, she whispered that she is missing her snuggy buggy, drama queen, Cheerio.  I think that is you.  We are taking good care of her and will promise to bring her back safe and sound. 

Monday, September 27, 2010

Got to start somewhere!

Woohoo, I am bloggin now!!!

Do you ever just ding the clock one more time and then again and wish you didn't have to go to work today with the weather getting cooler and you stayed up too late last night?  Well, I don't have to do that any more.  It is just killing The Mr. to still have to go to work :)  As of a couple of months ago, I am a stay-at-home nonnie with enough plans and projects swirling around in my mind to last me about 79 years.  A new chapter in my life is about to be written. 

The first month I played with the grands and great-grand and cooked and ate and cooked and ate.  It was great and I need larger pants!!  It was the first time in over 25 years I have been able to have quality time with our girls and grands and not worry about going to work.  Don't get me wrong, I loved my work and wouldn'thave changed it for the world, but I plan to enjoy retirement just as much. 

The second month was a totally different story.  I had heard of shingles, but I had no idea what it really was.  Well, I found out first hand and can tell you that is one bad boy.  Pain is all I am going to say!!!!

Seems like I need a little sister time.  Trouble is, she is in Oregon.  Nothing to do but pack up the SUV and head west!  More on that later.

WOOHOOO I'm a blogger!!!

Give me a second yall, I've got to get this thing setup!!!