Sunday, March 12, 2023


Seems like just a couple days ago we were stoking the fire in the wood stove to fend off a very chilly night.  June 1 and it is 90 degrees and HUMID!  I just don't know if I am ready for the scorching heat, but I do know there will not be buckets of veggies for me to harvest from the garden early each morning.  Because of the seemingly endless rain, we have not even broken up the garden plot, let alone planted anything more than a few onions, potatoes and a new fig tree.  The little spring patch of Swiss chard was harvested today and cooked for supper. 
It just looked so pretty and I just knew it would be yummy wilted in a cheese sauce over pasta.  NO, NO, NO!!!!  Johnny tried it.  I tried it.  We both agreed to throw it out and we would not waste our time planting this stuff again.  We are usually all about most any type veggie, but not this time.  Now I know why I could not find a single recipe for it in all my 46 years worth of collected southern cook books.  Southerners just don't eat Swiss Chard evidently! 

My Asiatic lilies are just blooming like crazy.  

I fear something has caused the brown thrasher to abandon her nest with six eggs in one of the bluebird houses in my garden.  When I checked the house, look what I found woven into her nest. 

Hopefully she found that snake skin somewhere else and put it into the nest herself rather than the snake crawling into the nest to shed.  At any rate, the eggs are still in there, but the mama and daddy bird did not show up all afternoon while I was out there working in the flowers and garden. 
Lulu's brother, Max, has been spending the weekend with us while Ginger and family are in Starkville watching the MSU Bulldogs play in the NCAA Baseball Tournament.  These five month old puppies have given me a merry chase!  When they are not tussling and whining to get back into the house, they are stretched out on the floor regaining the energy for another bout with each other.  
"Oh no, she has that newspaper in her hand again.  We better take a nap before she gets really, really mad,"
Lulu should have been named Houdini.  She can unlock her kennel and get out when she really wants to.  Today they had been banished to the back porch and yard where the new electric dog fence was just installed.  Lulu and Max both hate it and are scared to death to venture vary far out into the yard.  They just whine at the back door until I am not looking and then Lulu opens the door so they can come on in.    I can't wait til bedtime for these two. 

I better get busy and iron a shirt for church tomorrow while I count the minutes until bedtime for the little monsters.

1 comment:

4mckenzies said...

HA! Houdini indeed! :) She's taught Max how to open the kennel, though he's only tried it once.
Thanks for keeping him. He was super happy to play with the kids when he got home!